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A mode de resum : 29 oct 2017 + actualització 14 des. 2017

A mode de resum: Europa demana dues coses: Rule of law (imperi de la llei o actuar dins de la legalitat); "la força dels argument...

divendres, d’agost 31, 2012

boli bic - bic pen

Vaig fer aquest arbre, un xipré del parc de l'estació del nord, fa ja uns quants anys. només per saber si amb un bolígraf bic es podia dibuixar alguna cosa amb cara i ulls. passa que o guixa o no guixa. no té matisos com els llapissos o pigments.

i did this tree, a cypress at north station park, some years ago. I did it just to know if , using a bic labelled pen was possible to make some nice drawing. happens that it writes or it doesnt, but without tones as pencils or paints.

dimarts, d’agost 07, 2012

AOG picture

This is a draw in wich ive been working for a game called Adventure of Garnet, an erotic RPG (role play game) that is open source.
is not finished yet. but i think that is not bad. the only not drawn here by me is her face, that is from the game.
ive done all the rest.
sorry if you feel offended by the theme, but is required for the game.
is my 1st time drawing with a tablet, and i think that it rocks!