About the last elections that were done in catalonia the last 27th of september of 2015, while the whole spanish media said that independentism had been defeated on a 48% vs 52% obtained by unionism, the international press said that was had been a victory of independentism.
I propose to check the figures, as i commented on some places:
"Votes for Yes: "Together for yes" (39,57%) + CuP (8,21%) = 48%
Votes for No: PP: 8,5%, + C's: 17,9%, + Psc: 12,7% = 39%.
Undefined: "Catalonia Yes, is Possible": 8,93%.
If we add all the undefined to the No, we have 48% vs 48%.
But they are undefined, and its own leader voted for independence the last 9th of november. The leader of a party within this coalition (Dolors Camats, from IC-V) said that was independentist also.
So is all the undefined a No?
Spanish press and media says that all the people who has not voted the "yes" parties (including undefineds and the ones who have not won representation on the parliament) are against independence, but i see it as a wrong analysis.
The answer is doing a referendum.
In favour of a referendum: Together for yes (39,57%) + CuP (8,21%) + Psc: 12,7% + "Catalonia Yes, is Possible": 8,93% = 70% ( And some voters of C's and PP according to the polls ).
Spain will deny it.
A referendum as a need is a must. You like it or not."
comment done on:
dades finals a: http://www.vilaweb.cat/noticies/nomes-80-000-vots-van-separar-lindependentisme-de-la-majoria-absoluta-el-27-s-resultat-final-eleccions-catalanes/