a fundamental problem in a generational vessel is about the biass
related to how the people would be chosen to the travel, on a
psichological level, but not related to them directly -who could behabe
since they would know why they would be there- but, and this is the
point, about their descendants. The issue is: if you chose competitive
people, with individualistic tendencies that helped them to reach a seat
on that ship instead of others, how they would teach their children in a
"moral" field? You guess, to be competitive, hard students, etc. , to
be like their parents. But without the prize that the behaviour reported
to their parents and the heavy weight of never have know earth, never
would know the destination, never would leave the ship, but they would
need to learn as much as their parents did -again, without the social
prize that their parents had- , just to transmit it to other generations
that would know the new place. they would feel to be a damned
generation, born in space who would die in space, who would learn things
that would have not known directly and transmit to a next generation.
You need a kind of people for that role that would be very different
thant the people that you would have provided, totally different.
Entrada destacada
A mode de resum : 29 oct 2017 + actualització 14 des. 2017
A mode de resum: Europa demana dues coses: Rule of law (imperi de la llei o actuar dins de la legalitat); "la força dels argument...
dimecres, de juny 05, 2024
generational ship
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