"Negative thoughts can easily obscure a situation or interpretation of a relation and turn to inestable and dark what in fact would should have been a blue sky"
"words by themselves dont come to say anything if you dont pay attention at the meaning and sense that they have; descriptions and explanations are just literature if you dont put on them the care that they deserve. Is needed to go step by step, slowly, like in the relationships, to try to not sink in a nonsense sea"
Entrada destacada
A mode de resum : 29 oct 2017 + actualització 14 des. 2017
A mode de resum: Europa demana dues coses: Rule of law (imperi de la llei o actuar dins de la legalitat); "la força dels argument...
divendres, de febrer 18, 2011
water words
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ei ! aquesta m'agrade.
me n'alegro! :) però podries posar un noom. aixó d'anònim queda tant.. anònim!
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