Example of restoration of an oil on canvas paint. the painting was not mine, eh? the author was a painter of the ending of the XIXth or begining of the XXth century who signed as Ana. I just did the restoration. job here was just some clean, remake the preparation area in the lacked zones and make then a chromatic reintegration. at the end, gloss it for protect it. was a litle hard making the same colors exactly. Pictures below, before and after:
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A mode de resum : 29 oct 2017 + actualització 14 des. 2017
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dilluns, de març 14, 2011
oil on canvas
la pintura no és meva. és d'un/a autor/a que firmava com a Ana. sembla que de finals xix o principis del xx.
Example of restoration of an oil on canvas paint. the painting was not mine, eh? the author was a painter of the ending of the XIXth or begining of the XXth century who signed as Ana. I just did the restoration. job here was just some clean, remake the preparation area in the lacked zones and make then a chromatic reintegration. at the end, gloss it for protect it. was a litle hard making the same colors exactly. Pictures below, before and after:
Example of restoration of an oil on canvas paint. the painting was not mine, eh? the author was a painter of the ending of the XIXth or begining of the XXth century who signed as Ana. I just did the restoration. job here was just some clean, remake the preparation area in the lacked zones and make then a chromatic reintegration. at the end, gloss it for protect it. was a litle hard making the same colors exactly. Pictures below, before and after:
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