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A mode de resum : 29 oct 2017 + actualització 14 des. 2017

A mode de resum: Europa demana dues coses: Rule of law (imperi de la llei o actuar dins de la legalitat); "la força dels argument...

dissabte, de novembre 04, 2017

Un comentari en un diari

(comentari al financial times, a un article on el director editorial del diari feia befa del fet que puigdemont sigui a Brussel·les)(en el meu molt mal anglès.. però bé, crec que s'entén)


One day.
In the world of economics you appreciate the cold data more than the cultural complexities. A mathematical approach. And, on your point of view, the "rich selfish catalans" (numbers talking) can't say that are victims, and of course not a repressed cultural minority that could argue that need its own state. They are perfectly embedded within the Spanish nation and only because of the recent crisis they began to weeping.
Now the data: excluding the brief republican periods, so we are talking about monarchic periods and dictatorial periods, for how much time have reached a catalan the office of Prime Minister in Spain? Any catalan, on any period on the last 3 centuries. Knowing that they are nowadays around 16% of population, and given a so long time (3 centuries), and that we talk about any person born in Catalonia, you could conclude that maybe is near to the amount of population in percent as it would be in any country without major problems of discrimination, isn't it?
Well, the answer is one person and for one single day. In 3 centuries. His name Serafín María de Sotto.
Only 1 day, one single day in 3 hundred years, Spain had the experience of having a catalan as Prime Minister on "normal conditions" (i.e. Monarchy or dictatorship).
In the 1st Spanish Republic (1873-1874), a very brief try of freedom, we have 3 catalans on successive very short periods being 1st ministers. Two of them murdered. Total amount, adding this, sums not 2 years in total, within 3 hundred years.
As a person of cold data, you think that this is perfectly reasonable and has a rational explanation. 
Another funny data, as funny as your article: Catalonia has tried, since the begining of the XXth century, to have its own government. Its own institutions. Began with a "mancomunity" of the catalan provinces that, again in a Republican period, became to the restoration of the Generalitat.
So it had its own ellected leaders: all of them experienced exile or prison for their ideas, and often because of their status as catalan leaders. One of them was captured by gestapo and given back to Spain, so he could be killed by a firing squad. I repeat: all the catalan leaders during the XX century. Prat de la Riba (was in jail), Puig i Cadafalch (exile), Macià (exile and jail), Companys (jail, exile and killed because was the elected catalan president), Irla (exile), Tarradellas (exile) and Pujol (jail, as catalan leader, before being elected president).
On the XXIst , things have changed. President Mas, by now, just had forbid to take public office. Maragall was obliged to resign and Puigdemont.. Well, Puigdemont, according to your article,  is just a selfish classist catalan rich who betrays his friends and is just creating a fake story about the happy and harmonious relation between catalans and Spain.

So fun! Would you dare to be Catalan President in our happy harmonious european Spanish democracy? We could bet about if you would end in jail, exiled, banned or murdered.
but sure.. catalans complain just as the pitty narrow-view provincial minority that they are. Not repressed at all..
(The only exception is José Montilla, born in Andalucía and who belongs to a main spanish political party )

(una de les fonts d'informació per fer aquest escrit: https://www.fdbetancor.com/2015/05/22/the-fragmentation-of-states-elite-access-to-power-in-spain-and-britain/ )