emm una chica del chat que tiene animalitos me ha dicho que si le podía hacer un dibujo de uno... y en un cuarto de hora he hecho lo que se ve en la imagen.
lápiz grafito y ya está. Una parte ha quedado cortada por el escáner porque no cabía la hoja entera. En fin, parece que le ha gustado y me ha pedido que lo pusiera por aquí. O sea que mejor no digo todos los defectos que le veo. El animalito es una hurón que se llama gruna. Bueno, dado que le ha gustado tanto, supongo que ya está bien, no?
so... a girl from a chat that has litle animals has asked to me if i could make a draw of one of them for her... and in a quarter of hour ive done what can be seen in the picture.
is graphit pencil and no more. A part has been cut by the scanner because the paper was too big and didnt fit. So well, it seems that has pleased her a lot and then she has asked to me to put it here too. Then is better that i dont say all the deffects that i see on the draw. This litle animal is a female ferret and is called gruna. As soon has the owner was so pleased with it i guess that is fine, isnt it?
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