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A mode de resum : 29 oct 2017 + actualització 14 des. 2017

A mode de resum: Europa demana dues coses: Rule of law (imperi de la llei o actuar dins de la legalitat); "la força dels argument...

dissabte, de març 09, 2013

barca feta a llapis

rude litle draw done with colour pencils on my tiny sketch book. invented theme. pencils are "alpino aqualine", a cheap label of watercolourable pencils that i use to take some practice. right now im  trying to create some artistic compositions (not like this sketch, different kind). if some of them works, maybe will became a paint.  but my current studies and some other things in which i lose some time makes me to not progress as much as i would like. time .. seems that we have a lot, but runs so quick!
prova 01 marca sobre dibuix fet a llapis, tema inventat, alpino aqualine
test 01 of watermark over the pencil drawing. invented theme with alpino aqualine.