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A mode de resum : 29 oct 2017 + actualització 14 des. 2017

A mode de resum: Europa demana dues coses: Rule of law (imperi de la llei o actuar dins de la legalitat); "la força dels argument...

diumenge, de març 24, 2013

Saint Genesius of Rochafort

3D rude reconstruction of part of the priorate of Saint Genesius of Rochafort, a XIth century monastery (a priory) abandoned on the XV th century (secularized on XVIth). Investigating it is my current work on my master degree.
Im using google sketch up for doing this, because AutoCad is better but too difficult to learn without any help. Anyways, this is just for illustrate the text of the work, where is the real information. is an historic - archaeologic work, not arquitecture one.