(per cert, parrafote. Em passa sovint i hauria d'aprendre a ser més concís)
What next for Catalan crisis after Rajoy uses ‘nuclear option’?
( https://www.ft.com/content/59570550-b73b-11e7-8c12-5661783e5589#comments )About the rule of law: the breaking of the law began when the popular party crushed the catalan statute of autonomy in 2010 ( https://elpais.com/diario/2007/02/10/espana/1171062012_850215.html ). The statute was not unconstutional according to the letter of the constutition, but was ruled unconstitutional by the interpretation of the constitution. By this way, PP changed the constitution (throught its interpretation) and the autonomy charter, which was previously been passed by catalan parliament (120 votes over 135 seats) Spanish parliament and a referendum (with approval of the 73% of voteres, 1,8 million ). As Javier Perez Royo said on 2007 (is constitutional law catedratic) this was a coup d'etat.
The 1st mass demostration was the same day that the constitutional court declared that the statute was illegal. The new statute has not been voted again, so in fact catalonia has not a valid statute since then. So dont talk about rule of law. Rule of law was broken back then, and it is since then. The last referendum of 1-oct had more voters in favor of independence than votes had the current illegal catalan statue of autonomy (more than 2 million).
These are facts.
Spain use to say that catalans are selfish, cowards and they joke about us as if we were jews. In fact, they call us "polish" (polacos), as a reminder that they would like to do to us the same that jews suffered in the Varsow Ghetto. Is funny that they accuse us of supremacism or nazism, while our president was imprisoned by the gestapo and shot by a firing squad in the early 40's by the franco regime. the only democratically elected president in europe that suffered that fate, by the way. Is appaling how the heirs of franco, an ally of hitler, who was in gov. untill the day of his dead and is still buried on a massive monument built by slaves, accuse catalans of nazism. Europe ignored us then, backing franco. and still ignore us, backing the corrupt heirs of franco.
But let me remind you something: you maybe enjoy a 8 hours working day. What you maybe doesnt know is that this was illegal not yet 100 years ago. And what you maybe doesnt know is that was thanks to a 44 days general strike in barcelona that the 8 hours working day became legal, being spain the 1st country in the world to have it and, and from there, the rest of countries. (general strike 1919: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarchism_in_Spain#General_Strike_of_1919 ). So maybe spain has lied to all about catalans and their commitment for rights and freedom. On 1st place, has lied always about the existance itself of the catalans as a national comunity. And, of course, with the help of europe to just ignore us, as usual.
So here we are, fighting for freedom and democratic rights again, being ignored again, and with tons of lies coming from spain again. Nothing new. We all know how those things evolve. Will be massive general strikes. will be represion. this is 155. Lets hope that we dont end on a civil war again. As usual, spain will ignore the laws, whatever they say about rule of law (spain talking about rule of law is like north korea or East german talking about democracy). No surprise that spain is on the 97th position on justice in the last world economic forum survey.
Europe doesnt know catalans. Just believes the spanish version about us. But Barcelona wasnt called the rose of fire because of anything. This error could drive to the falling of the spanish economy and, with it, the european economy and the euro. ignoring spain as usual and its abusive behaviour as usual, now that spain is within europe and the eurozone, could have this time a high price for all. We Catalans doesnt want to harm anybody. We are peaceful people. We are just fed about spain and want to be free. But we are going to stand by our rights and our democratically ellected leaders. lets hope, for all, that this time Europe doesnt ignore us again. Sadly, we all know that europe will ignore us. The price for all is still to be seen.
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